Saturday, December 11, 2010

16 Tenses

A.  Simple Present Tense
General Form :
Be      : is, am, are
Verb  : V1 / V1+ -s/-es

Used  :
1.     General Truth
Example :
a.    The earth goes around the sun
b.    Water flows from a high place to low one
c.    Cats are animals.

2.    Showing Habit
Example :
a.    Aisyah usually plays badminton every Sunday
b.    Tono always wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning
c.    They go to school everyday

B.  Present Continuous Tense
General Form :

Be (am, is, are) + V – ing

Used  :
1.     Presenting the actual event
Example :
a.    We are studing english right now
b.    Listen! The birds are singing
c.    Look! They are playing football

2.    Presenting event at present period
Example :
a.    We are working hard today
b.    They are preparing for the final test this semester
c.    Rani is sick this week

3.    Presenting temporary Habit
Example :
a.    He is living in Jakarta right now
b.    We are studing statistics this semester
c.    She is going to Japan

Notes :
There are some Verbs which can not be used in Continuous Form, such as : want, need, prefer, remember, like, see, hear, know, believe, understand, forget, realise, hate, suppose, seem, have.

C.  Present Perfect Tense
General Form :
Has/ have + V3 ( been)

Used  :
1.     Showing a past event that already finished at the present
Example :
a.    I have not met my teacher for a week
b.    They have finished their work

2.    Showing a past event but the effect still exist till this present
Example :
a.    We have studied english for years
b.    The room is nicer now. Father has renovated it.

3.    Showing an event that have been done
a.    He has written a lot of short stories
b.    I have visited jakarta twice

D.  Present Perfect Continuous Tense
General Form :
   Has + been + V-ing

Used  :
Showing An event that started at the past and still continue at the present
Example :
a.    It has been raining for three hours
b.    Hery has not been visiting his aunt lately
c.    How long have you been studying english?

E.  Simple Past Tense
General Form :
Be      : Was / were
Verd : Verb 2

Used :
Showing an event at the past

Example :
a.    Ani and Rudi were absent yesterday
b.    The thief stole the camera three days ago
c.    Did you go out last night?
d.    Father worked in the company when he was young
Notes          :
Adverb of time which commonly used in simple past tense are ago, last, yesterday, the other day, the day before, etc

F.  Past Continuous Tense
General Form :
Was/ were + V- ing

Used :
1.     Showing an event which is happening at the past
Example :
a.    Rani was sleeping all day yesterday
b.    What were you doing at seven last night?
c.    We were studying when Aisyah arrived

2.    Showing two events which happened together in the past
Example :
a.    Father was reading a book while we were watching TV
b.    As you were playing, mother was cooking in the kitchen

G.  Past Perfect Tense
General Form :
Had + V3 / been

Used :
1.     Showing an event that firstly happened before another event in the past
Example :
a.    Rani had already gone home when I arrived
b.    They came for an interview after they had passed the written test
c.    I had met Dea before I telephoned you

2.    Showing an event that  happened in the past but still continoued untill a period in the past
Example :
a.    She had worked for six years when you visited her
b.    The had waited there since weven o’clock when the actress came

H.  Past Perfect Continuous Tense
General Form :

Had been + V-ing

Used :
Showing an event in the past which still continuoing untill another event happened

Example :
a.    The man had been smoking for ten years when he finally gave it up
b.    The boys had been waiting there since nine o’clock when the bus arrived

I.  Simple Future Tense
General Form :
Will + Verb 1 / be

Used :
Showing an event which happen in the future

Example :
a.    The president will come to our village next month
b.    She will not go to the party tonight
c.    The examination will start in a week
d.    Sari will study English when she stays with the foreigners
Notes :
Adverb of time which commonly used are : next, tomorrow, etc.  

J.  Future Continuous Tense
General Form :

Will + be + V- ing

Used :
1.     Showing an event which is happening in the future
Example :
a.    I will be playing badminton at four o’clock tomorrow
b.    What will you be doing this time next week?
c.    The guests will be travelling all morning next Sunday

2.    Showing an event which is happening when another event is also happening in the future
3.    Example :
a.    The family will be watching TV when you visit them
b.    We will be playing the piano when she comes tomorrow

K.  Future Perfect Tense
General Form :

    Will + have + V3/ be

Used :
1.     Showing an event which firstly happened before another in the future
Example :
a.    The mechanics will have repaired the car before the race is over
b.    By the end of this week Rini will have been operated

2.    Showing an event which happened in a period before another in the future
Example :
a.    He will have repaired tha car for five days when we come back
b.    She will have studied English for two years before she joins the club

L.  Future Perfect Continuous Tense
General Form :

Will + Have + been + V-ing

Used :
Showing an event which happened in a period and also when another event happen in the future

Example :
a.    He will have been doing military duty for a year when he goes home next year
b.    They will have been working for two hours when you met them at eight
c.    We will have been living in this house for five years by next december.

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