Wednesday, May 18, 2011

About Islam and Jihad

Seems so long I didn't write any article yet for this blog,.. :)
but once I want to write something, I was going to open some of old files in my computer and TADAAA i found something :D :D
Yeep,. it's my old article which I wrote before I went to join EAFS at all,.. :)
it's all when Marry Ann, Jae suuk, freyya, and also Serevy and also me involved in serious debating about religion :) :)
hmm,... kinda a great story to tell :) :)

well, so this is the article :)
just read it peacefully,.. :)
It's not written to provocate or anything you called it :)
but just to share what I had in mind :) :)
enjoy it :) :)

When We talk about Jihad

Many people thinks that Jihad is a kind of bomb suicide or any terrorism act. Because of its estimation, islam is seen as a cruel stream at all, the terrorism, etc. specially in Indonesia, where we know some terrorist did its action mostly in Indonesia, and the terrorists are Indonesian too. U guys should remember about Bomb Bali I, Bomb Bali II, Bomb Suicide In Front Of Australia Ambessy, Bomb in J.W. Marriot, and other place. These actions definely named Indonesia as The Terrrorist Station. Those kind of issues have prooven degraded the value of Islam in World Point Of  View.

Why did those people do it??? It because they did not understand well about Islam at all. They did not get enough education about what Jihad is. They just taken by someone who wanted to make Islam be worst, and they are cheated. That’s why, you always find a terrorist who come from a poor family and sometime live in remote area before. Let’s say, some people like Amrozi, Imam Samudra, etc. They were adopted by some people (who hate islam and of course The Rich one), they were though a wrong definition of islam, and they were given a bad doctrin (Just like a doctrin which said: All American or Australian is definely Allah’s enemy at all!!)  they got a wrong meaning of Jihad. That’s why in every terrorism action that they took, they would say, they did it In The Name of Jihad, Under The Flag of Islam.

No! No! No! It’s not what we call as Jihad. The Prophet SAW told us that The Biggest jihad ever in Our life is not go and fight in the war, but defeat the bad part of ourselves’ character, just like ban yourselves to do harmfull action such as stealing, cheating, and corrupting. And Yes, it’s true that in Islam, we are though to have fighting, but only in urgen condition, just like when we were over taken by other country, we should fight! We should rise the gun! But in this modern way, Jihad has transformed into another form, it’s not going have a bettle anymore, but it’s about how we really against the poverty, starving, so on and so far.

Anyone can do Jihad in their own ability. A simple thing likes being a volunteer to teach childern how to write and read is also called Jihad. Or when you develop your bussiness and give some people job, so that they can earn money for their family is also Jihad.

Jihad is not simple action to do. You should defeat all bad voice in your heart that can stop you to do a great thing likes be a volunteer, or etc. you can see how many people who is rich and smart but they don’t want to sacrifice a bit of their wealth or share their knowladge to other, it because they can not do Jihad. And the reason why they can not, is due to The Faithfull. If  you have a strong Faith in Allah, you will be easily do it, but if you don’t, you won’t.

So, in conclusion. If we don’t want other people out there named Islam as terrorism religion, we all have to show them that We are not terrorist, and we also must do jihad to againt poverty and also support a good education, so that our brothers and sisters will not be cheated by other people to be terrorist, will not do a kind of cruel things. That’s what we should do, Spreading Peace! Because Islam Is Beautifull and Allah really loves Beauty.

So for all of you guys who are not islam, guys please trust me that Islam is not a kind of religion. We all love peace, You and Me. So does Islam. It’s just some people –insider- who don’t really recognize about Islam, then do a cruel thing under the flag of Islam. Once againts they don’t represent how islam is, what they did and what they bring out (gun and bomb) is Not What Islam Teach us. Islam is Peace and Love Peace so much. Hope you guys can understand…^_^

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