Sunday, July 3, 2011

International Scholarship; Dream of The Future

Dear readers,..

Last weekends I was invited by one of employee of central statistical bureau of Indonesia for joining such of “halal bihalal” in his house. Of course, I was gladly going there. Well, there I met some other employees of central statistical bureau, some of them shared a very good topic to me.
Some of them just graduated their master degree in Australia. One of them is Mba Dyah whom I close to her enough.. She told me some tips and tricks to gain a full scholarship abroad, specially in Australia.

So, this is the topic. She told me much about what should be prepared if you want to gain your master degree abroad with a full scholarship. First time we hear about scholarship, maybe the first though come up to our mind is “we should be clever”. Yes, this sounds right. But, the point of “clever” is not just from the school grade as GPA (or mostly known as “IPK”) or even the predicate of top ten that commonly promoted to work at central statistical bureau of Indonesia directly. She told me that to gain a scholarship, those things are mostly unused. At least, if we got a standar GPA (it’s about 3,00 more at least) we pass the first qualification.

The second one that we have to prepare is mentality. Studying abroad dares you to have a very good skill in public speaking and working in team. These kinds of skills require a long term training. And it should start now if we want to have this good skills. She also told me that joining an organization is also good to improve these skills.

Some of us may think that spending a full day to study about all the subject of statistics is the best way to gain a better future. But, she told me the real that all those are mostly unused when we come into statistical bureau. Work in team is the basic skill that have to comprehend most. This skill is not only used while working, but also we have to comprehend this to gain a scholarship.

Public speaking is also very usefull to support our carrier latter. Especially to pass the interview test, we will be dared to deliver a presentation about one topic, and some adjudicators will ask you with a deadly question. Once we fail to give them a confidence answer, we can’t pass the test then. That’s why we got to train ourselves to be capable on doing those.

The last thing that we got to be capable in is the English. She told me times, that this is the most important thing we got to comprehend. As we know all of the international scholarship requires International TOEFL (IBT or PBT, but right now mostly require IELTS specially universities in Ned/Europe). The minimum standar for this is about 520 more (for TOEFL) or 5,5 more (for IELTS).

It should be right now to prepare ourselves, she told me. The first reason is because when we work latter in statistical bureau, sometime we will be so busy to do many jobs, and it sometime limit our time to learn English seriously. The second one is because we are in Jakarta, a place where we can find a lot community or a proffesional teacher that willingly teach us well about English.

Let’s see how she gained scholarship in Australia trhough ADS (Australian Development Scholarship)!
After graduated from Statistical Institute of Indonesia (STIS), she got to work in a little and “remote” area in Lampung. She told me that the electricity would off at 7 pm everyday, no mall, no cinema, etc. But working there was unforgetable experience for her.

She started to work hard, and learned every single thing in the office. At the spare time, she learned English. At the third year of her job, she applied in ADS. And she succeed. She waited an invitation to get IELTS test at the fourth year (just after worked for four years, we are allowed to get the master degree). And finally she succeed in every layers of test.

She told me, she’s not the clever at her periode. But she willingly to study hard, work hard, and serve the institution well. And her good aim proofed, brought her a good chance that not all of the people get.

Never give up and keep holding your dream will give us unlimited power to make our dream come true.

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