Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Way of Samurai

Wahh udah lama nggak posting lagi :) :)
kali ini, aku dapat puisi yang sangat bagus saat searching data untuk acuan tulisanku di Bulletin kampus... :p :p :p
hehehe,.. karena kesibukan yang mulai menyerbu,..
dari Usaha Dana ROHIS,...
ngurusi Bulletin di kampus sampai di kejar-kejar deadline,.. -.-"
ngurusin sanggar senam yang sebentar lagi ikutan "youth with aerobic" competition,..
dan tentu saja ngurus persiapan jalan-jalan jelajah alam ke wilayah Pulau Seribu,..
hehehehe,.. :) :)

di sela-sela kesibukan tersebut aku ingin memposting satu puisi yang sangat bagus menurutku,.. :) :) :)
so check this out guys :) :)

The Samurai Creed

I have no parents; I make the Heavens and the Earth my parents.
I have no home; I make the Tan T'ien my home.
I have no divine power; I make honesty my Divine Power.
I have no means; I make Docility my means.
I have no magic power; I make personality my Magic Power.
I have neither life nor death; I make A Um my Life and Death.
I have no body; I make Stoicism my Body.
I have no eyes; I make The Flash of Lightning my eyes.

I have no ears; I make Sensibility my Ears.

I have no limbs; I make Promptitude my Limbs.

I have no laws; I make Self-Protection my Laws.
I have no strategy; I make the Right to Kill and the Right to Restore Life my Strategy.
I have no designs; I make Seizing the Opportunity by the Forelock my Designs.

I have no miracles; I make Righteous Laws my Miracle.

I have no principles; I make Adaptability to all circumstances my Principle.

I have no tactics; I make Emptiness and Fullness my Tactics.
I have no talent; I make Ready Wit my Talent.
I have no friends; I make my Mind my Friend.

I have no enemy; I make Incautiousness my Enemy.

I have no armour; I make Benevolence my Armour.

I have no castle; I make Immovable Mind my Castle.

I have no sword; I make No Mind my Sword.

what a precious poem T__T
aku bahkan sampai terharu membacanya,.. :) :)

Nah, teman-teman silakan mengapresiasi sendiri maknanya ya :) :)
Dhy harap teman-teman bisa terinspirasi dari puisi tersebut :) :) :)

Arrigatto :) :) 

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