Friday, December 7, 2012

It's My Sister's 17th Birthday

Happy Birthday to my sister :D
today, 8th december 2012, she’s getting 17th years old..
Wow… omedeto :D :D
Since it’s her 17th birthday, this should be “a stone stand” for her. It’s her last year in senior high school, and next years she should struggle to be accepted in University :D
Ofcourse since she’s my younger sister, I do hope she would be much better then me, at least she can be totally herself, and she can reach all her dreams.. :D
Hm.. it’s still big question for my family about what major she will take in university, I gues it should be an architecture, or maybe such us an information and technological enginering. Well, whatever it is, I hope she would take that seriously, and be the best on it.
Just wait upto next year.
Oh yeah, she probably would go to Malang or Surabaya to attend university as well.
Hm.. this sounds so good for her.
Now, in her 17th birthday, I only be able to pray for her, may she would be much better, could be a prouded daughter for our parent, and also all her dreams may come true.
Well, so it’s your birthday. happy birthday Dessy :D :D
wish you all luck

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