Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pray For A Peace World

Maybe Im just no one who has all the power to change the world or a rich girl who can use money to do everything I want. But through these words I just want to write down what all my heart feels about the world condition right now.
Here Im living, in the end of 2012. This year, world become so modern. Human life feel more essier. But still there’s always a war.
I just can’t really understand why people who is so powerfull prefer doing war to help other. Gun, tank, fire, bomb are everywhere in this world. No matter in USA, Indonesia, Palestine, Israel, Europe, Anywhere…
Many people dying everyday due to war. childern who never know anything about the world problem also being victims of the war.
Im so sad, see all my brothers and sisters around the world dying just because bomb, gun, tank, and all.
I just can’t understand all this..
why? why should they put a war?
why should the kill each other?
Is it all for money? for sovereignity? for pride? for gift? for God? for country?
Why? Why childern should die in war?
why the kill innocent people?
I just can’t understand why.
If we really ask to our pure heart, what world we want to life? I do believe everyone will say a peace world.
No matter what is our religion, no matter what is our nationalism, no matter what is our skin color, why couldn’t we be one?
Just respect each other, just life peacefully with each other.
Is it very difficult to life with the different?
We are all living on one homeland, world.
I do believe that’s all okey with the different.
we can be our own self, and we dont have to force anyone else just to be like us.
We can respect it if we really want to life peacefully.
So why? does money, pride, religion, nasionalism, ras, or any motive just much better then peace?
what does money mean when we couldn’t life peacefully?
what is the pride of killing innocent people?
Does God love you when you make a war?
I guess No…
Come on, let’s take seconds to ask our heart. what world do we really want to life?
A peace world..
Only in a peace world we can smile away with each other, we can laugh, and we can be happy.
Differences is created not to cause a war.
But differences is created to make the world beautifull.
So let’s stop a war.
Put the gun down, stop the tank, and stop the bomb.
let’s just hold hand to hand, be the one, forgive each other, love each other..
No matter who you are, we are all the brothers and sisters.
So, I pray, not only for my own life, or my family, but more then that for the world. I pray for a better world, for a peace world.
I hope this world would be peace soon