Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tips For Friendship

Dear readers,...

It’s been about a month we were off the collage due to the holiday. How did it go anyway? J Hopefully you guys enjoyed the whole holiday cheerfully.

Well, anyway just after coming back to Jakarta, a place where we are far away from the family, the closest person we have is friend. Friend means anything to us when we life alone with nobody taken us care. Life without friends is seemed like food without any tastes, right? J
So then, here is I came up with the idea about the friendship... J we do have friend, and we made up our own friendship, even somehow it came any trouble, but living without it is worthless then any.

Now the question is how to keep friendship goes well? J These are some tips that you can do.  People says “friendship is an onion. It has many layers in it. Adds taste to your life, but if you try to cut it, you will get nothing but tears”
  1. Love
Love here doesn’t mean any feeling like you feel to your boyfriend or girlffriend. It’s just like how you love your family so much, to a friend you should love her/him too. When you love your friends, you’d feel like they are your family, your brother, or your sister. By loving friends and treat them like a family, that will affects your life worthly. You won’t feel so lonely no matter where you are, because you have the friends! J
  1. Affection
What’s love without any affection? Affection is just a real thing to proove that you love. Caring is the best way to show how much you love your friend is. You don’t have to say any single word to your friend that you love them, but you just need to show it by simple action. Just like, keep praying for your friend, coming to visit when she/he is getting sick, etc. By those, you can be the best friend who will be missed.
  1. Sincerity
Sincerity in a friendship is very precious deed that surely makes the friendship everlast. Doing something good to a friend without  any expection of reward backs is one of the example of sincerity. Could you guys imagine someone did good to you but expect something back from you? Feels bad, right? That’s why, try to be sincere to your friends if you want to get a harmonious friendship. J
  1. Loyalty
Could you be friend to someone who love to talk anything bad about you to other people? No, don’t you? So be loyal is the way to solve it. You can’t expect your friend to be loyal to you when you aren’t. Treat your friens as you wish you’re treated. Then, if you can be loyal to your friend, your friend will do tha same. J
  1. Braveness
As people  we sometime goes wrong, so do our friends. So it’s being our duty to keep our friends on track. And all those need braveness, barve to tell the truth, brave to say no to something bad. And if you really care to your friendship you gotta be brave to do good deeds. No matter how hard will be. J
  1. Honesty
Well, nobody loves to be close to a liar, so does your friend. In all the relationship in this world, it always put honesty all above. Being honest also means you are trusted, and guys, let me tell you, people do love trusted person J. So if you love your  friend be honest to her/him J.
  1. Understanding
We are all different, in all the way. Culture, way of thinking, principe, and many thing. But more then those, differences somehow make us to be one. Like a building, it just can’t stand right if all the material is just the same, so does the relationship is. Don’t argue on any different that’s faced by you and your friend, but sit calm together and discuss it to fond the way out. Understanding each other also could a win-win solution for you all. J
So guys, those all the tips. I surely believe if you guys can do those tips, you and your  friend will be ever last friend like a sibling for any each other. Unseparated by the distances nor the time.
Guys, we are all the brother to another. As an human being we never be able to live alone, we need other, we need friends. So, who don’t want to have a good friend? A friend who always be right you anything you need help, a friend who gives its hand to strenghten you when you ‘re weak, a friend who lend you the power when you’re powerless. A friend that will always make you life so bright. 

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